“Through the power of God and my personal lord and savior Jesus Christ, I’m writing this mostly as a duplicate for my post about the fake pandemic of 2020 and 2021 that I highly recommend checking out in the activism section of my website because this so-called war is literally the exact same situation as the so-called pandemic, Stew Peters seems to be the only person telling the absolute truth meaning everything you’re about to read is contrary to popular belief, I swear on my life he’s telling the truth especially the fact he was a Minnesota bounty-hunter chasing down violent criminals for over 18 years and he’s not a sell-out to the globalist elites like George Soros who wants to destroy Christianity, there’s far more people spreading every negative word in the books blatant lies and other evil bullcrap than ever before including Christian news organizations like The 700 Club unfortunately, God told us all throughout the Bible especially in the book of Revelation that in the end days there will be wars and rumors of wars, times of mass deception, the churches will become corrupt, none of this would be easy and all of this stuff is leading up to the rapture which will happen very soon. Basically, the same communist dictators called the democratic Biden Regime who stole the 2020 US election are using this so-called war between Ukraine and Russia located over 5,000 miles away and across the Atlantic Ocean as a major money making scheme and a distraction to protect the dozen’s of bio-weapon labs scattered around Ukraine, distract us from the actual war that’s happening at our own southern border, to continue Klaus Schwab’s global depopulation plan by spreading ten times as much of the fake news media’s blatant lies and to censor the crap out of average Americans, all truth seekers, truly positive and patriotic freedom fighting godly christians along with anyone else who opposes their evil agenda and narrative. This entire time, they’ve constantly shoved blatant lies into our faces from all over the place no matter where we go just like the biological weapon called the C19 death jab that’s killed over 20,000 real people from all ages just in the United States in only one year during the fake pandemic, those lies are things such as video game footage, videos from past wars, bombings from China of all places, staged on the ground killings from a completely different country, fake hospital bombings like the one The 700 Club shared which turned out to be a famous Instagram model being carried out on a Hollywood grade stretcher with the fake hospital that was actually bombed by NATO which was created for the sole purpose to fight Russia and the insane psychotic war criminals inside Zelensky’s fake military called the Azov Battalion which is an extreme version of the terrorist organizations Antifa, ISIS and the Taliban are committing satanic tranny-loving, neo-Nazi acts of insanity such as cannibalism, carving swastika’s into children’s chest, human sacrificing with a baphomet head, burning innocent Americans alive and so much more evilness, the damage of a Ukrainian nuclear power plant was also fake news proven by an Israeli journalist who investigated it in person and confirmed it was perfectly fine, the story about Russians being imprisoned for decades for opposing Putin is also a blatant lie and another attempt to get people to denounce and throw him out of office just like they did to our true president Trump, they say Putin is a war criminal and should be assassinated like in the Nuremberg trials of Nazi Germany for killing his own people when in reality Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky along with the entire democratic political party are the actual dictators and committing genocide against their own people, they desperately need to be indicted, tried, fried and hanged in the American Nuremberg Trials, this fake war has been going on for at least 8 years now, Putin has warned Ukraine that he can easily blow up the entire country and turn it to glass in less than 24 hours using countless ballistic missiles and the over 2 million people that are in the military, army and reserve branches of the Russian armed forces & to stop trying to expand their territory all the way to Moscow since 1994 when Ukraine became a country also considering the vast majority of Ukrainians just want to stay Russian and refuse to fight in this bullcrap no matter how much they’re coerced anyway, the democrats have also been shoving anti-Russian propaganda in our faces for decades, it’s the same exact scenario as our Cuban missile crisis many years ago and there’s so many more lies about this stuff that I just can’t continue to go on like a broken record. So long story short, Vladimir Putin from Russia is the good guy who’s holding Trump style rallies, he’s building at least three new churches a day that NATO bombed before he was elected, he kicked out the corrupt Rothschild’s baking system, he banned transgender propaganda in all school’s, he’s saving innocent Ukrainians in the most humanitarian way possible, he actually cares about his country and especially the people that live in it and he’s created many powerful good laws just like republicans have done that we all need to be rooting, praying, supporting and standing with him because if we succumb to the lies of satan being perpetrated by the fake news media by bombing Russia then world war three will happen which could easily blow up the entire planet and cause a nuclear winter, that’s exactly what the devil wants and we need to stop all of this nonsense right now!”
#iStandAndPrayForRussia #RussiaAreTheGoodGuys #PutinWon #TrumpWon #GodAlreadyWon #RootinForPutin #RepublicansForRussia #SaveHumanity #FreedomConvoy #TheTruthAlwaysMatters #ThePeopleInTheUkraineGovernmentAreDictarorsAndNeedToBePutOnTrial #IfAnyoneSupportsOrStandsInSoldiertryWithUkraineOrWantsToForceTheDeathJabAndMasksOntoEveryoneThenYouAreANaziAndShouldBeThrownIntoPrisonForLifeAndFriedInTheElectricChair
“Satanic Elite Push Atrocity Porn: Hospital False Flag in Ukraine”
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Created by Eric Kasey on March 14th, 2022, Updated on July 28th, 2023 and Perfected on February 8th, 2025