My Travelers Adventure Village
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“First off, I’ll be getting 33 years of amazing travel content to build it, I’ll be 60 years old in the year 2054, it’ll be on a 3 to 6 acre piece of land somewhere in the southwest part of Virginia, I’ll already have about $264,000 saved for the entire thing if I put down $1,100/month for 20 years, the property will consist of 10 individual objects placed in the order where the timeframe of each life event based on my age matches the compass direction in the style of a clock, this massive construction project will be built starting with number 6, then 10, 7, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3, 8 and 9, I plan on writing a book & making a music video that summarizes my entire life after it’s all done and I’m super excited for it buddy.”
***First Object***: The Museum
— Location: Directly in the middle but positioned more to the right.
— Size: It’ll be 30’ wide by 25’ deep by 20’ tall including the 4’ deep front porch, 5’ deep storage/solar power area & the 4’ tall craw space, it’ll have a combined design of the unfinished basement in my parents old house from my origin story but with a porch, a back section & tall ceilings, the grandfather mountain museum, the house in Tai Lopez’s why pride is overrated video and Watters Smith park in episode 7 of my WVCR series.
— Outside: A mixed design of 85% log cabin wood in the middle, 5% tin for the top trim underneath the camouflaged gutters and 10% concrete on the bottom along with colossal style curved pillars on all four corners with a shingled awning for the porch & sides, the craw space will be underneath the porch with a back entrance carved into the concrete, the entire structure will be elevated with 9’ tall steel poles positioned 2’ apart and 5’ of them will be buried underground, sealed with mostly concrete then some gravel & black plastic on top, the roof will have a 1’ wide concrete walkway around the perimeter of the 1.5’ angled bulletproof glass skylights and the walls will be 1.5’ thick with half being metal & half being wood.
— The Porch: It won’t have poles buried underneath of it but it’ll be an enclosed wood structure with the two windows on the front spanning about 26’ out of the entire width of the place with 6’ being the door, there’ll be wooden furniture, a ring video door bell and a guest book.
— Inside: The usable wall space in the museum will be 30’ wide by 21’ deep by 16’ tall with 8’ being the bottom part and 2’ being a gap before the 1’ wide by 6’ tall half spray foamed wood ceiling & half gravel roof walkway around the 1.5’ angled skylights with a trim piece on all four corners and consist of six 1’ in diameter support beams going one way & fourteen going the other, they’ll be made of steel with natural wood covering the steel & concrete poured into the swirl cut-outs all around them, there’ll also be two digital picture frames & a small collection of landscape prints with a wooden date bolted on the wall for each life event, a QR code and a link for each YouTube playlist, hidden warm studio lights shining on each wall, a chandelier hanging from the plus shaped log cabin style wooden support beam in the middle, a hidden ladder on the 16’ wide by 8’ tall sliding doors that leads to the 30’ wide by 5’ deep by 8’ tall chill under the stars loft with the name Eric Kasey’s Memorial Museum & Travelers Adventure Village in the middle just below the beam, behind the doors it’ll lead to the 7’ wide by 5’ deep by 8’ tall storage/solar power room on the left with a mud room on the right that goes out onto a small porch and across a wooden viking style bridge into the virtual travel experience room and the whole place will be creatively decorated for christmas so I can keep the lights up year round.
***Second Object***: The First Impressions
— Location: The front, back and around the museum.
— Description: The entire property will be mostly natural grass, open on all four sides with some short trees in the distance, the front will have a seamless cobblestone sidewalk leading through the colossal style pillars with the abbreviation TAV in the middle of the archway and around the museum, there’ll be a sign on the right pillar saying something creative that welcomes everyone, all around the property will be hilly metal bar style short fencing and a driveway on the right leading to the garage.
***Third Object***: The Flat Earth Sculpture
— Location: Southeast from 23 to 26 on the compass clock.
— Description: It’ll be six feet tall with a plexiglass cover for the firmament, a star design printed on transparent sticky film for the inside, a rotating track system about halfway from the ground to the ceiling of the firmament so the sun & moon can make their circle/circuit above, it’ll be solar powered with the battery stored in a rugged waterproof metal box underneath the round astro turf lawn, it’ll have the most defining moments of my journey to Van Life engrained into the concrete support block and it’ll be held up by a two foot buried steel & concrete pole with four curly aluminum rods for support.
***Fourth Object***: The Rental Section
— Location: Mostly South from 33 to 36 on the compass clock.
— Description: There’ll be three tiny barrel rental cabins complete with their with own outdoor shower, a wooden hot tub behind each one, three wooden outhouses on the side along with two picnic tables in-between each cabin.
***Fifth Object***: Flight Area
— Location: West from 38 to 60 on the compass clock.
— Description: There’ll be a 200-foot paved landing/takeoff strip for paramotors with a flight mural that’ll show creative snapshots from my twenty over-seas trips and paramotor adventures and it’ll light up for Christmas.
***Sixth Object***: My Tiny House
— Location: Northwest at 52 on the compass clock.
— Description: It’ll be 200 square feet with a small kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, a loft, solar power and a backup generator.
***Seventh Object***: The Garage
— Location: Northeast at 7 on the compass clock.
— Description: It’ll have an in-ground lift for two vehicles, a work bench, a tv and a restroom.
***Eighth Object***: The Jesus Sculpture
— Location: North at 60 on the compass clock.
— Description: It’ll be the real Jesus but with him elevated in front of his tomb looking up towards the sky.
***Ninth Object***: The Parkour Park
— Location: Mostly North at 55 on the compass clock.
— Description: There’ll be an in-ground trampoline & pool that’s shaped between a rectangle and a square with monkey bars next to it.
***Tenth Object***: Pro Ghetto Filming Tower
— Location: Just across the street.
— Description: It’ll be a mini version of Big Walker Lookout in Virginia, it’ll be 20’ tall with the four metal legs wrapped in a 8’ long hard foam tube, covered with plastic, buried 5’ underground & sealed with concrete along with double metal poles in the shape of a plus sign on all four sides positioned in the middle for support, it’ll have a spiral staircase leading up, the inside will be 10’ wide by 10’ long by 7’ tall with the 4x4 foot open hatch positioned on the back right, the floor will have a half-inch piece of plywood bolted onto the half-inch piece of metal that’s welded onto the twenty individual frame poles, the roof will consist of metal poles and have one grey heavy duty tarp for the inside & one white heavy duty tarp for the outside with them hanging about one foot over the edge, the sides will be covered with a grey heavy duty tarp, the front will also consist of metal poles and have one big plexiglass pane in the middle with a one foot pane all around it, there will be small mounts on the floor for my tripod along with four d-ring hooks to secure it with ratchet straps and a lockable weatherproof box to store supplies.
Property Example #1
“Click here to see the property listing - .”
“Click here to watch my Vlog - .”
— From the Gazebo at Chilhowee Recreation Area of Benton, Tennessee on January 13th, 2022 —
Property Example #2
Link -
Price: $39,900
Acreage: 6.00
Total Space: 983-Feet Long x 416-Feet Wide in the front x 246-Feet in the back
Length Used Space: 40-Feet for the Museum, 40-Feet for the Tiny House, 40-Feet for the Garage, 63-Feet for the Driveway, 100-Feet behind the Tiny House and 200-Feet in between all three buildings
Length Remaining Space: 250-Feet on both ends
Width Used Space: 35-Feet for the Museum, 35-Feet for the Tiny House, 35-Feet for the Garage and 65-Feet behind all three buildings
Width Remaining Space: 316-Feet on front end and 146-Feet on back end
Road: Whetstone Dr
City: Barren Springs, VA
Financial Estimation
Property: $40,000
Filming Tower: $3,000
Driveway: $5,000
Tiny House: $34,000
Garage: $15,000
Museum: $100,000
Tiny Barrels: $8,000
Parkour Park: $2,000
Flat Earth Sculpture: $1,000
Outdoor Stuff: $1,000
Miscellaneous: $5,000
— TOTAL SAVED: $264,000
— TOTAL SPENT: $215,000
— LEFT OVER: $49,000
1) Thirty-Six 40-Inch HDTV’s: $9,000
2) Thirty-Six Wall Mount’s: $2,160
3) Thirty-Six HDMI Cables: $1,080
4) One HDMI Splitter: $60
5) One Custom Desktop Computer: $1,200
6) Thirty-Six Photography Posters: $720
7) Thirty-Six 10-foot tall Trim Pieces: $720
8) Thirty-Six Year Signs: $900
9) Thirty-Six Cardstock QR Codes: $180
10) One-Hundred individual Cable Hooks: $80
11) Seven 200-Ah Lithium Iron Batteries: $4,200
12) Seven 200-Watt Solar Panels: $700
13) Three 2,000-Watt inverters: $900
14) All Wiring: $200
15) All Parts: $200
16) Cooling System: $700
17) One-Hundred-and-Seventy-Five One-Foot Wide by Nine-Foot Tall Steel I-Beams for the Foundation: $17,500
18) Sixty-Five One-Foot Wide by Nine-Foot Tall Steel I-Beams for the Walls: $6,500
19) Eighty-Four Ten-Foot Long by Five-Foot Wide pieces of Sheet Metal: $4,200
20) Eighty-Four Ten-Foot Long by Five-Foot Wide sheets of Plywood: $2,100
21) Ship-Lap: $2,400
22) Spray-Foam Insulation: $1,300
23) Skylights: $2,500
24) Back Section: $2,500
25) Indoor Beams: $1,500
26) Furniture: $500
27) Guttering: $5,000
28) Porch: $5,500
29) Landscaping: $500
30) Stain & Paint: $500
31) Parts: $1,000
32) Welder: $500
33) Crane: $10,000
34) Concrete Truck: $6,000
35) Dozer: $5,000
36) Miscellaneous: $2,000
— CONTENT: $23,000
TOTAL: $100,000
Created by Eric Kasey Originally on December 20th, 2020, Added to My Website on July 15th, 2021, Updated on September 17th, 2021 & February 15th, 2022 and Perfected on November 24th, 2023