Buffalo Mountain from 42 Miles Away - 2025 Version


“This is the most important real life photo proving the earth is a stationary plane that has never spun the through the universe at thousands of miles an hour or has been anything related to a sphere, it shows absolutely zero curvature anywhere, you can see the entirety of a place called Buffalo Mountain in the small town of Floyd in the state of Virginia at an elevation of 3,938 Feet at a distance of 41.6 Miles from Comers Rock Overlook in Comers Rock, Virginia at 4,035 Feet in elevation, it was captured using my Sony HX400V semi-professional camera zoomed all the way in to the maximum 50x zoom range on Thursday, March 13th, 2025 at 11:35 AM, you can see the same exact mountain with your own eyes if you want to visit it in person and I highly recommend going because it’s so much fun up there.”


Title: Buffalo Mountain, Virginia from Comers Rock Overlook, Virginia at 42 Miles Away on Thursday, March 13th, 2025 at 11:35 AM

Weather: Clear

Winds: Calm

Temperature: 63 degrees Fahrenheit

Camera: Sony HX400V

Megapixels: 20.4

Resolution: 6144x4096

Aperture: f6.3

Shutter Speed: 1/1000

ISO: 80

Zoom Distance: 50x

Purchase Date: Monday, February 3rd, 2025

Purchase Price: $575.93

Purchase Location: Amazon - https://tinyurl.com/mry2mzrv

Purchase Condition: Used - Very Good

Still Own: Yes

Would Recommend: Yes



Exposure: +0.80

Contrast: +80

Highlights: -20

Shadows: +40

Whites: -20

Blacks: +40


Temp: +4

Tint: +4

Vibrance: -8

Saturation: -8


Texture: +10

Clarity: +10

Dehaze: +100


Sharpening: +150

Radius: +3.0

Detail: +100


Aspect Ratio: 3x2


“If absolutely anyone tries to deny this by falsely claiming that it’s a mirage, refraction or by attacking me in any way shape and form then I refuse to listen to your bullshit. THE EARTH IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN FLAT WHEN GOD FIRST CREATED IT, END OF STORY!


Created by Eric Kasey