The Abandoned Lyndonville, VT Radar Base
“The U.S. Air Force built a ground-based radar facility called North Concord Air Force Station on top of East Mountain in Vermont at 3,439-feet, it opened in 1955 during the Cold War, housing hundreds of workers to scan the skies all day for signs of nuclear war so if to come, it would serve as America’s first warning of a Soviet Union nuclear attack. It was later renamed to Lyndonville Air Force Station in 1962 then it closed in 1963. Over the years it’s fallen victim to thieves, scrapers, vandals and mother nature turning it into the dilapidated ruins it is today. It’s also turned into an unofficial tourist attraction where people from all over the world come, visit, take a few pictures, move about their day and some very popular YouTube channels have already made full length videos showcasing it’s unique history and even spending the night on top of the towers. I definitely had a great adventure exploring it and I highly recommend being extremely careful in the future if you were to visit because it’s very possible somebody might buy the land but for now the logging roads that I went down are the best route to go considering they have to remain open for logging operations to run smoothly but again, anything can change.”
Created by Eric Kasey on June 30th, 2023